Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Burgau Faro, that will be our next trip together

Cos of the situations in springtime and summer, we desided that it will be now time to take again this mother-daughtrr trip. 
But where? In Finland summer has been just total shit. So all the readymade trips are quite expensive.
Then I got a proposal to visit Faro Burgau Portugal, cos some of my friends has rented house there. 
Why not? Could be nice place. So I booked flights... Long ones, some hours stop at Germany... But it doesnt matter. It is just adventure for us.
It is possible that Emilys friend comes there too, but that is not certain yet.

We will have 11 day trip, 8 days to stay, two to travel. I'm so happy about this now. 

Heres photo of my Spain flight- got suprise trip there. Thinking to be at Stockholm, finding myself at Bilbao-Donostia/SanSebastian-Sokoburu(France)-Depa-Bilbao. 

But tomorrow will our adventure begin... I was just checking how to get to Burgau -its not so easy with public transportation.So I choose Viajes Alameda Booking- airport transports. Just minute ago I bought ticets for us... And tomorrow we are using those. Intresting how it goes. So short notice.

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